
Showing posts from March, 2020

My Darling Son, Shine

My son turned Eight years old on the 23rd of February. We were going to go to the Boardwalk, but we turned around halfway there. He wanted to go home to make sure he closed his bedroom door, so our dog couldn't get to his new hamster, Snowball. It worked out though, we went to the beach as a family and had a beautiful day. I saw my son, just   shining under the sun. I just kept thinking, "My darling son, shine!" He has this big bright smile that I see so much of myself in, except he's more confident than I was at that age. He has a bravado mixed with humble silliness. It's in that confident silliness that I see much of my husband and his mom. They both have this wittiness and silly authenticity that I really admire. When I look in my son's eyes, I see the cosmic bonds of my family. The familiar tear-drop shape that all the Water-sign women have (my mom and my sister). Their eyes reveal the strong emotionality that lies within their spirit. I see that my